Thursday, February 5, 2015

Medellin: The Gathering

Feb 5th, 2015
After a day in Bogotá, we took the one-hour flight to Medellin. Happily, elevation went from 8,000' to just under 5,000'. Don & I connected with Kari and Kent after collecting bags. A few hours later, after connecting with our booked taxi, we got to the La Plaza Rosa. Some in the group aren't arriving until the evening, so it's a good day to rest, organize and catch up with old friends and new.

Our hotel in Medellin was meant to start us off and gather the group. It's a vibrant city, and even a Thursday nite displayed the amazing night life it is famous for. A meeting at the hotel covered basic information and set a laid-back tone. Tomorrow, we set off for San Felix launch followed by a long and winding drive to a country house near Jerico.

Here is the group:

Mike Branger
Kari Castle
Robin Cushman
Jack Dennett
Kent Hudson
Piet Human
Don Ikenberry
Lucho Jimenez
Chris Kirk
Linda McClary
Pavlo Rudakevych
JK Smith
Julie Spiegler
Paul Webber
Sofia Puerto Webber

Simon Hoyos-Mesa (Coordinator)
Lucho Himenez (Flying & Tour Guide)
Jaime (Gordo) Gardeazabal (Flying Guide)
Martin Mesa (Flying Guide)

John (Medellin-Cali)
??? (Sopo)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates! I would love to see some pictures! Maybe you can post them to instagram or something and include a feed on the blog here. That worked well for me and Thom in Chelan.
